Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two days in a ROW!

Can you believe it?!
THIS is what I INTENDED to have happen with my blog. It is entirely possible that I will have MORE to post TOMORROW!
I'm excited about it.

So today I am reposting a similar section of Is This My Life because, after listening, I decided that the guitar wasn't punchy enough. I spent this morning redoing that guitar and also adding acoustic guitar to So Long My Love. Just a few more acoustic tracks to add and then I can add ELECTRICS! I'm excited about that as well.

So, for your listening pleasure, Is This My Life with fixed up guitar:

Is This My Life



  1. Woowwww, what a nice surprise !
    I'm here alone in a hotel room getting bored,
    trying to listen and it keeps telling me the
    link is broken :-S
    Is it my bad internet connection ??

  2. Hello matey potatey from Europe!

    You just need to add the .mp3 to the end of the url and she'll be right :)

  3. I loved this and particularly the bass (it sounds interesting)... it is most pleasurable!

  4. Uy uy uy, I fixed the link. I was trying to multitask, which anyone who knows me can tell you is something I never succeed at doing. Thanks for figuring out the fix so I didn't have to spend an hour staring at it!
    You're all computer geniuses.

  5. Thanks for posting and fixing it!
    I love it and enjoy the updates!!

    "nymous"-genius, now I know where to find a computer genius, instead of "google" everything.

  6. wahahahaha... genius - NOT! It's my job! And it was my pleasure to help with the fix :)

    disclaimer: "Pleasure" is my word for the year, and is in no way meant to imply a sleazy connotation as it sometimes appears...


Tell me what you think!